Expert Witness Publicity and Credibility Through Writing
When your expertise is publicized in articles and books, it does not look like advertising, it does not feel like advertising, but, delightfully, it works like advertising. Publicity is, in fact, the best promotional avenue after networking. Even better—it is usually free.
Appearing in publications as a writer confers credibility and authority upon the author. Your profession may even demand that you have peer-reviewed, published works. One tangible benefit from writing is that attorneys search the Internet for publications related to the subjects of their cases in order to find related, qualified expert witnesses. Being a published author can create additional publicity in the form of media interviews, book signings, and book reviews. While writing requires a tremendous effort, the benefits of being published definitely make the effort worthwhile.
Legal Periodicals
Many legal newspapers, magazines and journals will accept articles from non-attorneys on a subject that will benefit their readers.
Trade Journals
Being published engenders instant respect from your peers, who know how challenging it is to write anything of substance. If an attorney consults trade journals to find experts, you will stand out.
Mainstream Publications
Reporters and editors seek out experts to comment on current news items. They maintain a large card file of people who can provide a “sound bite” spontaneously for print or air. Even one successful contact could provide valuable public exposure and enhance your credibility as an expert in your field.
Opinion Pages, Letters to Editors, Book Reviews
Keep in mind that these reach the general consumer rather than targeting the legal community. They are, however, free forums and, in many cases, widely read.
Note:Remember to identify yourself and list your contact information on any writing you submit for publication.
— Excerpted from The Expert Witness Marketing Book
by Rosalie Hamilton